We are excited to announce a huge move! Flag is winding down and integrating into Parler and the Optio Blockchain!
- Flag Digital will integrate our PR and News sites into the Optio Rewards program
- Flag coins as well as TLK and ROYSY tokens will no longer exist and the Flag blockchain will wind down operations
- FLAG, TLK, and ROYSY holders will be given OPT digital rewards (also known as tokens)
- All Flag members, emissaries, and followers will be able to sign up as Optio Ambassadors for free
- All Flag members, emissaries, and followers will be given the opportunity to purchase additional Optio Nodes for only $1000 each (see GetOptioNodes.com)
- Flag, Parler, and Optio have been running parallel for quite some time
- There are already more than 15 million ParlerPay digital wallets
- Optio Nodes pay out daily
- The OPT Digital Rewards program is integrated into Parler Social and Parler’s PlayTV, among all of the other applications in the Parler Marketplace
- Optio has a functional Ambassador program with a completed back office
- Flag’s PR and News capability will be a strong asset for Parler and Optio
- Optio blockchain is built off of Cosmos, which means low to no transaction fees and a much easier path for OPT to be listed on exchanges
“I am excited for everyone in the Flag community to get across this finish line and now be part of something as powerful as Parler and Optio! I invite everyone to take some time to explore Parler.com and learn more.”
- Mike Magolnick
1. Message anyone you know that has FLAG, TLK, or ROYSY and share this page
2. Go to ParlerPay.com and get your wallet set up
3. Fill out the form completely. You will get an email from Mike Magolnick confirming the amounts and the OPT Digital Rewards that will be distributed to you, and giving you the wallet address to send your FLAG, TLK, and ROYSY back to.
4. If you have Nodes or are getting Nodes, set up a hosting account at simpll.cloud
5. OPT will start transferring to your ParlerPay digital wallet after January 10, 2025, provided we have everything confirmed and have received your FLAG, TLK, and ROYSY back to the transition wallet.
This page and the content herein does not constitute financial, investment, or legal advice. Flag Digital's integration with Parler Social and the decentralized Optio Blockchain involves a transition of services. Participation in the Optio Rewards Program and Ambassador program is entirely voluntary, and OPT digital rewards do not guarantee financial returns and OPT may never hold value outside the platform. The Optio Blockchain is a decentralized, community-driven platform, independently governed by node owners. Parler does not control the Optio Blockchain. All participants are encouraged to exercise their discretion and seek independent advice before engaging with decentralized blockchain technology.
The OPT digital rewards conversions are as follows. Note this is only for reference, for you to get a rough idea of what you can expect upon distribution. The rate will not change, but the actual conversion amount will be calculated based on your wallet holdings according to the Flagscan block explorer on January 3. You will be sent an email with the exact amount after that date.
FLAG Coins
Rate: 7 FLAG for 1 OPT
Divide your FLAG by 7 to see how much OPT digital rewards you will receive for your Flag coin holdings
TLK Tokens
Rate: 278 TLK for 1 OPT
Divide your TLK by 278 to see how many OPT digital rewards you will receive for your TLK token holdings
ROYSY Tokens
Rate: 64,615 ROYSY for 1 OPT
Divide your ROYSY by 64,615 to see how many OPT digital rewards you will receive for your ROYSY token holdings
NOTE: some conversions will not follow the rates above. For example, in-kind ownership, recovery programs like FXR, team distributions, donations, etc will be managed differently on a case-by-case basis. Keep in mind there will be a cap to the total amount of OPT you will receive if you have one of these arrangements.
(additional rules may be added as questions and issues are discovered)
At any time and for any reason, we reserve the right to modify the terms of this program, including dates, conversions, and exceptions, retroactive to the first submission. However, the deadline is the deadline. Any submissions after the deadline of January 10 will not be accepted. Anyone who does not submit their form on or before January 10 2025 will lose all of their holdings in FLAG coins, TLK tokens, and/or ROYSY tokens with no remedy. We reserve the right to make modifications to numbers as needed. For example if a confirming email goes out with a mistake to the conversion rates, we have the right to make the modification to reflect the correct allocation.
Once your form is submitted, DO NOT MOVE any of your coins or tokens. Any transfers of FLAG, TLK, ROYSY after your form is submitted will be deducted from both the sending and receiving wallets and will not count towards the conversion for either wallet.
January 10, 2025 is the firm cutoff date. The actual amount you receive will depend on how many coins/tokens you have in your Flag wallet(s) submitted on the form before January 3, 2025. We will verify the holdings through the Flagscan block explorer.
You are allowed to submit ONE FORM. If you have coins/tokens in multiple wallets, you can use the second entry box for your second wallet. If you have more than that, you need to consolidate FLAG, TLK, and ROYSY into one wallet. If you submit multiple forms, only the latest form will be used for the conversion.
The transfers of OPT to ParlerPay wallets will begin in January 2025. After all of the transfers from approved forms are completed, the Flag blockchain and the Flagscan block explorer will be shut down. Anyone that does not submit a form on time, unfortunately cannot participate. There is no remedy for those accounts. We do not control Optio or the supply of OPT tokens. We cannot transfer anything to you after the deadline.
We do not have anything to do with ParlerPay digital wallets. If you lose your login or security words and cannot access your wallet, we cannot help you recover it or any assets you may have had in the wallet.
Get Optio Nodes
1. Make sure you use the same email address for all of these accounts
2. Get your wallet at ParlerPay.com
3. Secure your nodes at GetOptioNodes.com
4. Get your Node hosting account at https://simpll.cloud
5. The setup is automatic. Give it a day and you will see your nodes on the Simpll site as well as the licenses in your ParlerPay digital wallet.
Stay tuned right here. We will add current news and updates relating to this process.
You can get more info about Parler by going to Parler.com/parler. There is a ‘Blockchain’ menu item that talks all about Optio.